These are the General services we offer, click the service to find out more.
PC Tune-Up - We will tune-up your computer to get it running faster and more smoothly.
Network - We will setup a wireless network, at home network, or share a network computer, drive or printer.
Hardware Services - These are the hardware services we offer such as repair and installing.
Software Services - These are the software services we offer such as data recovery and installing.
Web Services - These are the web services we offer such as web design and maintenance.
Electronics Services - These are the electronics services we offer such as repair and installing.
Tutorial Services - These are the tutorial services we offer such as Hardware lessons and Software lessons.
Mobile Services - These are the mobile services we offer such as setup and restoring.
Purchasing - These are the Purchasing services we offer such as Parts and Custom computers.
Business Services - This is where to go if you are a small business or corporation. You will find most of the same services and more offered for business use.
Design Services - These are the design services we offer such as printing,business cards and signage.
Construction/Renovation Services - These are the Construction and Remodeling services we offer such as Building and remodels.